The MAMA Method: Because We Do Business Differently

This is a 3 Day LIVE training August 1st, 2nd & 3rd training for moms and aspiring moms who want to build and scale their online coaching business while balancing time with their families.


Fill out the form below to register for free!

We go LIVE August 1st-3rd with replays available!

What is it?


This is a 3 day LIVE training series on August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd created for moms (and aspiring moms) who want to build a successful online coaching business, while also spending time with their families.

As a parent it can be discouraging and just plain HARD to build a business some days. It's easy to feel defeated, or even jealous, as we see single entrepreneurs with unlimited time building and running their businesses in a way that we can't.

I felt the same exact way. So I decided to stop trying to fit into the mold of a single entrepreneur and start building my business in a way that fit MY life.

And I did it. I built a successful 6 figure business, in a way that allowed me to spend time with my family every day. That's how the MAMA method was born.

The MAMA method is my signature method that I teach inside all of my programs - a way to build you business in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

THAT is what I am teaching you (for free!) inside of this 3 day live training.

Wow, I need this!

What do we cover in the training?

DAY #1:

"M" Mindset of a Mom Boss

  • Accepting that the way you grow your biz is different
  • Truly believing that you can do both
  • Stepping into the boss CEO you want to be
  • Ditching the "mom guilt"

DAY #2:

"A" A Plan For Everything

  • The importance of having a plan as a parent + business owner
  • Balancing time with family and your business
  • Breaking big goals down to daily tasks
  • How to identify the most important tasks

DAY #3:

"M" Make it Flexible + "A" Accountability to Take Action

  • Tasks over time blocks strategy
  • How to build flexibility into your plan so you can still be successful when mom life happens
  • Using tools for your business that fit into mommy life
  • Accountability to take ACTION

This is for you if..


  • You constantly feel torn between spending time with your family and working on your business
  • You feel like you're always working, but you're stuck in your business not making real progress forward
  • You're home with the kids, but aren't able to be fully present or to fully enjoy moments because you're stressed about income/your business
  • You are frustrated with programs and coaches that teach building a business in a way that you just can't do as a parent
  • You feel constant Mom guilt when you spend time away from the kids, or give them too much TV time, to work on your business
  • You feel discouraged as you watch other coaches succeed faster, thinking "that is just NOT my reality as a parent"
That is ME!

Hey, I'm Hailey!

You may know me as Boss Lady Hailey - I respond to both! lol

I am a stay at home mom of two, and I run a 6 figure online business. Here's my story..

I started as an in-person trainer, helping clients create a healthy lifestyle that they could actually sustain while building confidence. After having my first daughter, Camila, I realized that this lifestyle wasn't conducive with being a mom and I decided to quit cold turkey and go completely online. I invested money I didn't have and went all in with a coach to learn the roadmap I needed to succeed - and I scaled my online fitness coaching business to 6 figures in my first year.

My entire life transformed because of that decision. Fast forward to when I had my second daughter Sofia, it was a completely different experience. I had monthly recurring revenue built up to support healing and time off, and a business that was set up to serve my clients at a high level the entire time.

Today, I am a business coach dedicated to helping others change their lives in this way too. I help parents build and scale their health and fitness coaching business's online while balancing time with their families.

I believe in building your business in a way that fits into your lifestyle, not adjusting your life to build your business.

I am not the "hustle" coach and I am not the coach that will ever brag about working more (that's not a trophy I want). I AM the coach that helps you build your business with both business and lifestyle goals in mind, and gives you the exact strategy you need to be successful as a parent and business owner.

Are you ready to learn how?

I want to change my life too!

You'll walk away from this training..


  • Truly confident in your ability to be successful in your business AND be a great mom at the same time
  • Feeling like the CEO that you truly are
  • With a real plan of action to reach any goal in your business With strategies for your business that support your life as a mom
  • A real plan of action moving forward in your business
  • With strategies for your business that support your life as a mom
Sign me up!

Since this is a free training, you have no skin in the game to show up (and we all know you need to show up to succeed) so to incentivize action we have PRIZES for participating in this training !



$200 off 8 Week SPRINT + Create Your Signature Offer Workshop



$100 off 8 Week SPRINT + Create Your Signature Offer Workshop



Create Your Signature Offer Workshop

What happens once I register?

Step #1:

Check your email!

  • Once you register you will get an email confirmation
  • If you can't find it, check spam and promotion folders or search "The MAMA method" in your inbox
  • Confirm your subscription to get email reminders for each day, your homework items, and be entered to win prizes!

Step #2:

Dive into your welcome email!

  • Once your subscription is confirmed, you will get your welcome email!
  • Your welcome email has all of the information about the training, including the full break down, specific dates and times of the trainings, and the prizes + how to win!

Step #3:

Join FB group + Mark your calendar!

  • Inside your welcome email you will get the link to join our free FB group "Full Time & Fulfilled: A Community For Health & Fitness Coaches" where it is all going down!
  • Once you've joined the group, mark your calendars for August 1, 2, and 3 and wait!
  • Replays are available each day, but joining live will allow you to ask me questions LIVE each day!
Sign me up!